
我們每天晚上都要到離宿舍1.5小時車程的海灘巡邏,找巢和海龜媽媽。拾到的龜蛋會放到海灘的hatchery 裡,數數目然後整個新巢堆了蛋。因為周圍有小天敵例如浣熊、貓等愛吃蛋的小動物,因此hatchery 被四面圍封防止牠們進入。我們每晚到hatchery 查看有沒有龜仔出世,如有便把牠們放生到海裡去。昨晚有一隻龜仔出世了,但牠懶得不想動,或未瞓醒?呵護了牠一小時,放在沙上還是沒動 (但反轉牠又很醒爬),最後還是把牠放回hatchery 等待牠瞓醒才放了。
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We will patrol the beach where it is 67km away from our hostel every night. Searching for nest and turtle mother. If there is a nest, we will take out all the eggs , count the numbers and put them into hatchery , we create a new nest for incubation. As there are some animals like racoon and cats etc. love the eggs, the nursery has to be fenced off. Every night we will check the nests in hatchery to see if there are babies hatched. If so, we will release them. Last night we got one baby, but he is just so sleepy that it seems didn't want to leave. I took care of it for 1 hour but finally he still didnt move at all when i put him on the sand. So finally we put him back to the hatchery and wait until he is active again later.

This is how we found the eggs inside the sand, we use a stick to push inside the nesting area, find the hollow.

And then we got the hollow and just dig the sand out

count the number of eggs and take them all to the hatchery

Back to hatchery, we dig a new nests for the eggs

put them inside and covered them with wet sand

The greatest number of eggs we got so far was 97 eggs!

The hatchery which is fenced off to protect the eggs from predators

Another hatchery

The number of eggs were marked , this nest got 136 eggs taken on 22.12.18, expected date of hatching is 4.2.19

We took out the newly hatched babies, they were ready to go back to the ocean!

Release the babies to the ocean, please stay alive!!

This boy didnt want to go to the ocean!


