墨西哥西岸有大大小小長長的海灘,都是海龜繁殖地,但一些已變成遊客陽光與海灘的地方,就是海灘旁建了不同的酒店,因此日頭的海灘人流不絕。但在這個離hostel不遠處有個長長的海灘,也是海龜繁殖地。這裡沒有建酒店,因此也沒什麼人來。也因這樣,海龜媽媽可放心下蛋了。Red tortuguera 也在這裡建了一個小小的hatchery,由於政府不讓他們建建構物在海灘上,因此這個hatchery也十分簡樸,不過由於遊人不多,也不怕有人騷擾。

我們今天放生29隻Olive ridley 小海龜,我們每人要用沙"洗洗手", 把手上的油和味洗走。然後把牠們放到近水邊一字排開,小海龜需要在沙灘上爬爬走走,感受牠們出生地的海灘的沙和海水,這個記號會留在牠們腦海裡,直至長大成龜,大約15年後,到了可交配繁殖的年紀,牠們便會游回牠出生地附近的水域找伴侶進行交配,交配後媽媽便在某一夜晚回出生地上岸下蛋。

以後就要靠自己喇,海龜BB 加油喇!
P.S. 也有研究指小海龜的記憶內有地磁標記,因此會懂得回家的路,相信遷徙的鳥和獸也是如此。
Ref.: https://medium.com/…/how-do-sea-turtles-find-their-way-home…
. . . 
Today we are going to release babiesssss in the evening!
There are many beaches along the west coast of Mexico, many of them are the breeding site of sea turtles. at the same time, many hotels were build next to the beach for tourism, at daytime there are many human activities on the beach. But there is a long beach near our hostel, without hotels, so the disturbance by human is highly reduced. And therefore Red tortuguera build one camp here and set up a hatchery. Though the government does not allow them to build a concrete building here, they just build a very simple hatchery. 
We release 29 Olive ridley babies today. We first use sand to wash our hands to remove our oil and smell. Then we put the babies in a line in front of the water, they have to feel the sand and water before going into the sea because this will be their memory of where they were born. So after around 15 years later they will go back to their born site (here) to breed. 
As the water currents are so strong that the babies are always washed back to the beach, we have to wait and help them to be back to their way home. After 30 minutes, the last baby finally disappeared, our job is done and babies, please add oil to stay alive ah!!! 
P.S. Some research found out that the geomagnetic signature of the little thing's home beaches is "imprinted" when they were born, and they use the Earth’s magnetic field to find their way back years later. Many other migratory birds and animals are like this. 



