

食到習習聲! 我可愛既小葵花!!! 原來羊蹄甲既豆豆都吃~ 外來種有外來種既吸引之處。市區既資源唔多,我想。。。市區生存既動物都唔可以太偏食吧~ This beautiful creature is listed as critically endangered in Red List. They are threatened by habitat destruction and pet trade. In Hong Kong, they are protected by law and enjoyed freedom here. This evening I met a group of cockatoo and they were enjoying the pea of Bauhinia tree species.  # 小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡 Cacatua sulphurea (Yellow-crested cockatoo) 極度瀕危 Critically Endangered https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22684777/131874695


Olive ridley 是這裡最常見的海龜,但原來也有綠海龜罕有的在這裡下蛋,不過不是香港那種,是sub-species,與的香港不同~ 這隻綠海龜孵化期比較慢,還是逐隻出世的呢。 . . .  Olive ridley is the common species to breed here,  but there is another species - green turtle rarely breed here too!  It is the sub-species of green turtle and is different from Hong Kong's green turtle. They hatched slower than olive ridley. Species: Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas agassizi)




有一天晚上,巡邏時遇上: 1. 鱷魚 2. 浣熊 滿足晒所有願望 ~~  . . .  Patrol (2) One night, we met two types of creatures: 1. Crocodile 2. Racoonsss  Thats all i want to see ~~~


我們每天晚上都要到離宿舍1.5小時車程的海灘巡邏,找巢和海龜媽媽。拾到的龜蛋會放到海灘的hatchery 裡,數數目然後整個新巢堆了蛋。因為周圍有小天敵例如浣熊、貓等愛吃蛋的小動物,因此hatchery 被四面圍封防止牠們進入。我們每晚到hatchery 查看有沒有龜仔出世,如有便把牠們放生到海裡去。昨晚有一隻龜仔出世了,但牠懶得不想動,或未瞓醒?呵護了牠一小時,放在沙上還是沒動 (但反轉牠又很醒爬),最後還是把牠放回hatchery 等待牠瞓醒才放了。 . . .  Patrol  We will patrol the beach where it is 67km away from our hostel every night. Searching for nest and turtle mother. If there is a nest, we will take out all the eggs , count the numbers and put them into hatchery , we create a new nest for incubation. As there are some animals like racoon and cats etc. love the eggs, the nursery has to be fenced off. Every night we will check the nests in hatchery to see if there are babies hatched. If so, we will release them. Last night we got one baby, but he is just so sleepy that it seems didn't want to leave. I took care of it for 1 hour but finally he still didnt move at all when i put him on the sand. So finally we put him back to the hatchery and wait until he is active again later. This
不是每個海灘都有hatchery, 因此Red tortuguera 有一架車,變成了流動的hatchery。 車內十分熱,有40度高温。蛋從海灘拾回後就放進一個發泡膠箱,埋在沙裡。 龜蛋在海灘裡需要最少45日時間孵化,但在現在冬天季節,就需要多些時間了,大概75日,但若沙堆太凍蛋就會凍死了(温度低於24度)。因此會把一些在較北的沙灘找到的蛋放在這些發泡膠箱內,就不怕凍死啦。龜龜的性別取決於環境的温度,如高温過29度就是女仔,低温過29度就是男仔。那在發泡膠箱內就把温度維持於29度左右,男和女的機會率就是一半半。每天我們都到車內看看有沒有龜仔出世,如有便拿出來,會返回牠們的出生地放回海中。不過不是全都能成功孵出,也有不少壞蛋,或發育不良的龜仔,或在發育過程中死亡。1000隻龜仔只有1隻能長大成龜,因此培育龜蛋增加出生率也是其中一個保育方法。 Little baby Live and death P.S. Olive Ridley 被Redlist 評為vulnerable。數量下降中。 https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/11534/3292503 . . .  Not all the beaches have a hatchery. So Red tortuguera bought a van and make it be a hatchery. Inside the van, the temperature is kept at 40 degree C. The eggs are taken from the beach will be put inside a styrofoam box with sand from that beach for artificial incubation. In nature, normally Olive Ridley needs 45 days to be hatched, but in winter time they take more time, may need up to 75 days. And if the sand is too cold (below 24 degree
今天特別環節,黃昏放生海龜BB~ 墨西哥西岸有大大小小長長的海灘,都是海龜繁殖地,但一些已變成遊客陽光與海灘的地方,就是海灘旁建了不同的酒店,因此日頭的海灘人流不絕。但在這個離hostel不遠處有個長長的海灘,也是海龜繁殖地。這裡沒有建酒店,因此也沒什麼人來。也因這樣,海龜媽媽可放心下蛋了。Red tortuguera 也在這裡建了一個小小的hatchery,由於政府不讓他們建建構物在海灘上,因此這個hatchery也十分簡樸,不過由於遊人不多,也不怕有人騷擾。 我們今天放生29隻Olive ridley 小海龜,我們每人要用沙"洗洗手", 把手上的油和味洗走。然後把牠們放到近水邊一字排開,小海龜需要在沙灘上爬爬走走,感受牠們出生地的海灘的沙和海水,這個記號會留在牠們腦海裡,直至長大成龜,大約15年後,到了可交配繁殖的年紀,牠們便會游回牠出生地附近的水域找伴侶進行交配,交配後媽媽便在某一夜晚回出生地上岸下蛋。 由於太大浪,因此龜龜都不斷被沖回上岸,要等待牠們到回到海中,我們的工作就完成了。  以後就要靠自己喇,海龜BB 加油喇! P.S. 也有研究指小海龜的記憶內有地磁標記,因此會懂得回家的路,相信遷徙的鳥和獸也是如此。 Ref.:  https://medium.com/…/how-do-sea-turtles-find-their-way-home… . . .  Today we are going to release babiesssss in the evening! There are many beaches along the west coast of Mexico, many of them are the breeding site of sea turtles. at the same time, many hotels were build next to the beach for tourism, at daytime there are many human activities on the beach. But there is a long beach near our hostel, w