不是每個海灘都有hatchery, 因此Red tortuguera 有一架車,變成了流動的hatchery。



Little baby

Live and death

P.S. Olive Ridley 被Redlist 評為vulnerable。數量下降中。
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Not all the beaches have a hatchery. So Red tortuguera bought a van and make it be a hatchery. Inside the van, the temperature is kept at 40 degree C. The eggs are taken from the beach will be put inside a styrofoam box with sand from that beach for artificial incubation. In nature, normally Olive Ridley needs 45 days to be hatched, but in winter time they take more time, may need up to 75 days. And if the sand is too cold (below 24 degree C) the eggs will die. And therefore eggs from the more northern beaches will be kept in this nursery. The sex of the turtle depends on the temperature of the sand. Above 29 will be girl, below 29 will be boy. Keeping the styrofoam box at 29 degrees can have half and half chance for boy or girl. 
Everyday we will go back to check if there are any babies hatched. If so we will move them out and release them back to the beach where they were born. There are still many dead babies and eggs in one nest. Only 1/1000 babies can grow up to a mature turtle. So this action is to increase the chance of eggs' survival.
P.S. Olive ridley was listed as vulnerable in Redlist and their numbers are decreasing. 



